一、前言: 关于酚类利用羧酸酯作为酚氧烷基化反应的试剂来制备芳醚的研究,已在“第一部分”中作了较详细的论述。现“第二部分”仅对甲苯酚的烷基化反应予以讨论,并将这两部分加以小结,为今后对其它酚类和一些新的烷基化试剂的研究奠定基础。这一部分的实验方法,是完全按照我们自己独特发展起来的新颖方法进行的。其反
I. INTRODUCTION The research on the preparation of aromatic ethers by the use of carboxylic acid esters as phenolic alkoxyalkylation reagents for phenols has been discussed in detail in “The First Part.” Alkylation of p-cresol is now discussed in Section 2 and the two sections are summarized to provide a basis for the future study of other phenols and some new alkylating agents. The experimental approach to this part is based entirely on a novel approach that we have developed uniquely. The opposite