一、滁州洪涝旱灾概况 滁州市位于安徽省东部,北临淮河,南近长江,行政总面积1.33万km~2,人口400多万人。气候属于北亚热带季风气候向暖温带季风气候过渡区;地质情况复杂,是历史上自然灾害频繁的地区,主要灾害有暴雨、干旱、洪涝、冰雹、地震、虫灾等,其中又以旱涝灾害更为严重,常给人民生命财产造成极大的威胁和危害。
I. Overview of Chuzhou Floods and Droughts Chuzhou City is located in the east of Anhui Province. It faces the Huaihe River in the north and the Yangtze River in the south. Its total administrative area is 13,300 km2 and its population is more than 4 million. The climate belongs to the transition zone between the northern subtropical monsoon climate and the warm temperate monsoon climate. The complicated geological conditions are the areas with frequent natural disasters in history. The main disasters include heavy rain, drought, flood, hail, earthquakes and pest disasters, among which droughts and floods are more serious , Often give people life and property caused great threat and harm.