【摘 要】
In-depth Discussion “Quality From Design ” Concept in Drug Development, Production, and Quality Control August 29 - 30, 2013 Global Leader in Materials Characterization Malvern Instruments, a global leader in the pharmaceutical industry, QbD concept, held in Shanghai and Jinan, respectively, two pharmaceutical industry QbD Symposium, the seminar to “adopt appropriate analytical techniques to speed up drug development process” as the theme, intended to pass between the pharmaceutical industry Actively interact, research and explore ways to speed up drug development in the Chinese market
丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)常通过输血或静脉药物滥用等非胃肠途径传播 ,但很多HCV感染者无明确的非肠胃途径传播因素 ,提示存在其它传播途经。HIV感染者常同时感染HCV(2 0 %~ 6 5 % )。为了评价HIV
Objective: To determine whether interferon therapy during human pregnancy increases reproductive risks in women. Methods: This longitudinal, controlled cohort s
俄罗斯石化巨头Sibur集团旗下子公司Tobolsk-Polymer新建的产能为510 kt/a的丙烷脱氢(PDH)和产能为500 kt/aa的聚丙烯(PP)联合生产装置,已在亚伯利亚Tyumen地区Tobolsk石化综
The purpose of this study was to compare the rate of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) attempt, VBAC failure, and major maternal adverse outcomes in women wit
Background: To date there is only a limited number of study data on the changes in the perceived quality of sexuality and relationships of women that occur with