1 临床资料 某部1名强击机飞行员,男,26岁,飞行总时间500 h。2000年1月30日乘摩托车购置年货回家途中,被一辆急速驶来的摩托车撞倒,顿时意识丧失,等送到地方医院抢救后,确诊为:右臂骨折伴臂丛神经损伤;右膝关节粉碎性骨折、右腿胫骨骨折。部队接到通报后,专门派人处理此事,终因该飞行员右臂丛神经损伤,右上肢抬起困难;右膝关节粉碎性骨折,膝关节活动受限而报停飞处理。 2 讨论 飞行员休假探亲,部队领导一般都很重视,临行时均交
1 clinical data A ministry attack aircraft pilot, male, 26 years old, the total flight time 500 h. January 30, 2000 Motorcycle purchase New Year’s goods home on the way, was a motorcycle came crashing down suddenly lost consciousness, and so on to the local hospital for treatment, diagnosed as: the right arm with brachial plexus injury ; Right knee comminuted fracture, right leg tibial fracture. Upon receiving the notification, the army sent a special person to handle the incident and finally suffered a right brachial plexus injury due to the pilot’s right brachial plexus. The right knee joint comminuted fracture and knee joint activity was limited and reported to stop flying. 2 Discussion Pilots leave to visit relatives, the military leaders generally attach great importance to pay when they leave