Optimization of Coarse Aggregate Content based on Efficacy Coefficient Method

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hui123456gavin
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The influence of coarse aggregate content on concrete properties was investigated.From the perspective of Frame Concrete Theory,six groups concrete were produced with the same proportion except for coarse aggregate content,with coarse aggregate content of 0%,40%,50%,60%,75%,and 80%,respectively.Slump,compressive and flexural tensile strengths,elastic modulus,and water penetration were tested to research the effect of coarse aggregate content on concrete.The experimental results reveal that slump reduces with increasing of coarse aggregate content,while compressive strength,elastic modulus and flexural tensile strength increase with the coarse aggregate content increasing,and water penetration reduces with coarse aggregate content increasing before 75% then increased.Workability,strength,durability and economical indexes system were established to optimize the coarse aggregate content in concrete based on efficacy coefficient method.The optimization results show that when coarse aggregate content is 60%,the system efficacy coefficient reaches to 0.89,and it expresses the better comprehensive performance. The influence of coarse aggregate content on concrete properties was investigated. From the perspective of Frame Concrete Theory, Six groups of concrete were produced with the same proportion except for coarse aggregate content, with coarse aggregate content of 0%, 40%, 50%, 60 %, 75%, and 80%, respectively.Slump, compressive and flexural tensile strengths, elastic modulus, and water penetration were tested to research the effect of coarse aggregate content on concrete.The experimental results reveal that slump reduces with increasing of coarse aggregate content, while compressive strength, elastic modulus and flexural tensile strength increase with the coarse aggregate content increasing, and water penetration reduces with coarse aggregate content increasing before 75% then increased. Workability, strength, durability and economical indexes system were established to optimize the coarse aggregate content in concrete based on efficacy coefficient method. the optimization results show that when coarse aggrega te content is 60%, the system efficacy coefficient reaches to 0.89, and it expresses the better comprehensive performance.
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