近年来,随着耕作制度的不断改变,田间小气候也发生了很大改变。这种改变对蟋蟀的生长和繁殖较为有利,致使蟋蟀的危害逐年加重。使之从危害秋作物的次要害虫上升为主要害虫之一。 蟋蟀是一种食性很杂的害虫。成虫性前期喜隐居田埂、砖石缝隙及杂草丛生处,它昼伏夜出,善跳好斗,一年发生一代,以卵在土壤中越冬,次年初夏孵化为若虫,秋季是成虫盛发期,也是危害盛期,到十月以后成虫产卵越冬。所有秋作物几乎都受蟋蟀危害,在沿河边地势低洼及杂草丛生处更为猖獗。对蟋蟀常用诱杀和药物进行防治。
In recent years, with the constant changes in farming system, microclimates have also undergone great changes. This change is more favorable to the growth and reproduction of crickets, causing the cricket’s harm increasing year by year. Make it one of the major pests from a minor pest that affects autumn crops. Cricket is a very pest eating habits. Adult prehistoric hi seclusion Tian 埂, brick crevices and weeds, it nocturnal, good jumping and fighting, one generation a year, with eggs in the soil winter, the next summer hatching nymphs, autumn is the adult Sheng Hair period, but also endanger the peak, after October adult eggs overwinter. Almost all autumn crops are endangered by crickets and are more rampant in low-lying and overgrown shores along the river. Crickets commonly used on the trapping and drug prevention and treatment.