一、单项选择题1.生活在西南山区的一些少数民族 ,过去往往“燎荒辟地” ,即将一片原始森林放火烧掉 ,在烧后的空地上种植作物。当这片土地的自然肥力消耗尽后 ,人们便会放弃 ,弃耕后的这片土地会逐渐长出新的植被。新辟的耕地和新的次生植被都属于 ( )A .文化景观B .自然
I. Multiple-choice questions 1. Some ethnic minorities living in the mountainous areas of the southwest have used the past to “get rid of wasteland and land”. They are about to set fire to the original forest and plant crops on the burned open land. When the natural fertility of this land is exhausted, people will give up and the land after the abandonment of cultivation will gradually grow new vegetation. New cultivated land and new secondary vegetation all belong to () A. Cultural landscape B. Natural