大部分原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)病人在确诊时已处于中晚期,极易合并门静脉癌栓(portal vein tumor thrombus,PVTT),文献~([1])报道PVTT发生率高达44.0%~62.2%,此类病人若不接受治疗,自然生存期仅为2.7~4.0个月~([2-3])。PVTT一方面导致门静脉高压,进而出现难治性腹腔积液,
Most patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have been in advanced stage at the time of diagnosis, and are easily combined with portal vein tumor thrombus (PVTT). The literature([1]) reports that the incidence of PVTT is as high as 44.0%. 62.2%, if these patients are not treated, the natural survival period is only 2.7 ~ 4.0 months ~ ([2-3]). PVTT causes portal hypertension on the one hand, which leads to refractory ascites.