今日的社会充满竞争和刺激,人们所承受的心身负担日益加重,深受其害的器官首先为胃。时下人们都在追求较高的生活质量,而良好的饮食是提高生活质量的重要条件,良好的饮食又必须由胃消化分解,因此胃的健康是头等大事。 减少精神负荷对胃的危害 很久以前,有一项知名的实验,将小白鼠用石膏固定,使之一动也不能动,经过6小时后,即发现在其他部位尚未出现明显障碍之前,胃等消化器官已出现溃疡
Today’s society is full of competition and excitement, and the burden on the mind and body that people bear is getting worse. The organ that is harmed first is the stomach. Now people are seeking higher quality of life, and good diet is an important condition to improve the quality of life, a good diet must be digested by the stomach, so stomach health is the top priority. Reduce the burden of mental stress on the stomach A long time ago, there is a well-known experiment, the mice immobilized with gypsum, so that a move can not move, after 6 hours, found that no obvious obstacles in other parts before the stomach and other digestive organs Ulcers have occurred