一、灾变理论浅介 灾变理论(Catastrophe theory,又译作突变理论)是由法国著名数学家R·托姆(Ren’e Thom)提出的一种描述不连续变化的理论。托姆1972年发表的专著《结构稳定性和形态发生学》(Stabilite’ structurelle et Morphoge’ne’se)标志着这一新的数学理论的问世。由于灾变理论可以很好地解释并推导出诸如水的相变、弹性结构的塌陷、冲击波的形成等经典理论问题,而且可以说明社会领域和生命领域里很难处理的现象:如狗由“恐惧”和“愤怒”两个因素控制下的“攻击”与“逃跑”行为共同存在时产生的“狗急跳墙”行为;在细胞分化时由于生物体内化学物质浓度的变化(在时空上是连续的)会分化出不同的细胞、出现空腔和不连续的分界面现象;以及国家进行的决策的更替和知觉的多稳态等现象,使灾
Catastrophe theory (Catastrophe theory) is a theory developed by René Thom, a famous French mathematician, to describe discontinuous changes. The book “Stabilite ’structurelle et Morphoge’ne’se” published by Tom in 1972 marks the advent of this new mathematical theory. Since catastrophic theory can well explain and deduce classical theoretical problems such as phase transition of water, collapse of elastic structure and shock wave formation, it can also explain the difficult situation in social field and life field. For example, “And” anger “under the control of the” attack “and” escape “behavior co-exist when the” jittering "behavior; cell differentiation due to changes in the concentration of chemical substances in the body (in time and space is continuous) will Differentiation of different cells, there cavity and discontinuous interface phenomenon; and the country’s policy-making change and perception of multi-stable phenomena such as disaster