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食品安全立法是近年来国家及地方立法的重点,辽宁省在食品安全监管方面形成了层级监管与地域监管相结合、分段监管与统一协调相结合的监管模式。但这一监管模式目前存在政府各监管部门间法律地位关系不明,各部门执法职权划分仍存在交叉协调困难,缺乏非政府组织主体监管机制,纠纷申诉解决机制不够健全等问题。为解决这些问题,实践中可以采用以立法方式明确各监管部门间的地位和职权,加快推动非政府组织主体监管机制和省内食品安全纠纷快速解决机制的有效建立等方法,完善辽宁省食品安全监管主体法律体系。 Food safety legislation is the focus of national and local legislation in recent years. Liaoning Province has formed a regulatory model that integrates hierarchical supervision with geographical regulation, sub-regulation with unified coordination in food safety regulation. However, this regulatory model currently has unclear legal status among various regulatory agencies in the government, cross-coordination difficulties in the division of law enforcement powers among various departments, lack of regulatory mechanisms for non-governmental organizations and inadequate mechanisms for settling disputes and complaints. In order to solve these problems, in practice, we can adopt such measures as clarifying the status and authority of various regulatory authorities through legislation, accelerating the regulatory mechanism of non-governmental organizations and establishing an effective mechanism for the prompt resolution of food safety disputes in the province, and improving the food safety in Liaoning Province Regulatory body legal system.