
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuerscc
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由于教学改革的实施,中职学校的教学理念也随着改变了。中职教育是培养适应生产、管理、建设和服务的高素质人才的教育,而中职物理课程是职业学校里工科类专业的基础课程,学好物理有助于有效的培养学生自身的基本的操作技能、综合职业能力和科学素养。但是由于中职学校的生源的质量在逐年的下降,中职物理的教学陷入了困境。因此,该如何提高中职物理教学的质量,提高中职学校的学生们的思维方式,提高学生们的科学素养,增强学生们的发展能力成了中职学校刻不容缓的问题。本文简要论述了中职物理有效教学的策略。 Due to the implementation of teaching reform, the teaching ideas of secondary vocational schools have also changed. Secondary vocational education is to cultivate high-quality personnel to adapt to the production, management, construction and service education, and vocational physics curriculum is the basic course of engineering major in vocational schools, learning good physics helps to effectively develop students’ basic operations Skills, comprehensive professional ability and scientific accomplishment. However, as the quality of students in secondary vocational schools is declining year by year, the teaching of secondary physics is in a dilemma. Therefore, how to improve the quality of physics teaching in secondary vocational schools, improve the way of thinking of students in secondary vocational schools, improve their scientific literacy and their ability to develop has become an urgent issue for secondary vocational schools. This article briefly discusses the strategy of effective physics teaching in secondary vocational schools.
Nov. 9—China Thursday slammed media reports as “a total rumor” that the Bible would be prohibited at next year’s Beijing Olympic Games.   The Catholic News Agency published a report the Bible will be