1 病例介绍 患者 35岁,孕3产1,末次月经1998年2月16日。于1998年4月18日,因早孕来我院妇产科门诊行人工流产术。术前B超报“宫内妊娠,相当于孕8周”。手术顺利,吸出完整绒毛、蜕膜组织,且符合妊娠月份。出血10 ml,术毕。术后1个月,仍有早孕反应,来我院门诊复诊。妇科双合诊检查发现子宫孕3~+月大小,于子宫左侧有一5 cm×5cm×4cm大小的肿物,与子宫关系密切。B超提示:宫内妊娠相当于孕13周。子宫左侧探及一4.8 cm×5.3 cm×4.6 cm的肿物,考虑双角子宫,畸形妊娠?子宫憩窒妊娠?子宫肌瘤?决定给予米非司酮25 mg 2次/日,连用3天,软化宫颈。于1998年5月24日行钳刮术。外阴阴道消毒后,于B超下用探针探宫腔,左侧肿物可探及,深度为7.5cm,且达肿物底部。右侧妊娠宫腔深18 cm。钳夹出胎儿对合后身长约13
1 case description Patient 35 years old, 3 pregnant and 1, the last menstrual February 16, 1998. On April 18, 1998, due to early pregnancy to our hospital obstetrics and gynecology outpatient abortion. Preoperative B-reported “intrauterine pregnancy, equivalent to 8 weeks pregnant.” Surgery smoothly, sucked out the complete villi, decidua, and in line with the month of pregnancy. Bleeding 10 ml, surgery completed. 1 month after surgery, there is still a response to early pregnancy, to our hospital out-patient referral. Gynecological double check examination found that uterine pregnancy 3 ~ + month size, on the left side of the uterus has a 5 cm × 5cm × 4cm size of the tumor, and the uterus are closely related. B-Tip: intrauterine pregnancy equivalent to 13 weeks of pregnancy. Uterine exploration and a 4.8 cm × 5.3 cm × 4.6 cm of the tumor, consider the double angle uterus, abnormal pregnancy? Uterine open abscess pregnancy? Uterine fibroids? Decided to give mifepristone 25 mg 2 times / day, once every 3 Days, soften the cervix. On May 24, 1998 line clamp curettage. Vulva vaginal disinfection in the B ultrasonography with the probe into the uterine cavity, the left side of the tumor can be explored and depth of 7.5cm, and up to the bottom of the tumor. The right side of the uterine cavity 18 cm deep. Clamp the fetus after the fit body length of about 13