唐代的韩愈、柳宗元,北宋的欧阳修、曾巩、王安石、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙等八位作者,均以擅长散文著名,被后世称为“唐宋八大家”。唐宋八大家的散文,不但是唐宋时期散文创作的高峰,而且在中国古代散文发展史上占据着十分重要的地位。 明代初期人朱右,非常推崇韩、柳等八家之文,编选了一部《八先生文集》。这是把八家文合在一起,相提并论的开端。明代中期,归有光、王慎中、唐顺之、茅坤等一批文人出来,大力推崇并学习以八家为主的唐
In the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan and Ouyang Xiu, Zeng Gong, Wang Anshi, Su Xun, Su Shi and Su Zhe, both of the Northern Song Dynasty, were all well known for their essays and later known as the “Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties.” The essays of the Tang and Song dynasties are not only the peak of essay writing in the Tang and Song dynasties but also occupy a very important position in the history of ancient Chinese prose. Zhu early right of the Ming Dynasty, very much respected Han, Liu and other eight articles, compiled a “eight gentleman anthology.” This is the beginning of the eight articles together, par. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, a group of literati went to Guangguang, Wang Shenzhong, Tang Shunzhi and Mao Kun, and they greatly advocated and learned the eight-oriented Tang