病历 患儿男,3小时,因“生后不哭、反应差3小时”入院。系第一胎第一产,36周早产,脐带绕颈1周,生后不哭,反应差,全身苍白,Apgar评分3-7-7,伴颜面部出血点,生后2小时出现阵发性四肢强直,无尖叫、气促。体检:体温34℃,脉搏156次/分,呼吸40次/分,头围32 cm,神清,易激惹,全身苍白,
Male patients with medical records, 3 hours, because of “crying after birth, poor response 3 hours” admission. Department of the first birth of the first birth, 36 weeks premature birth, umbilical cord around the neck 1 week, after birth, cry, poor response, pale, Apgar score 3-7-7, with facial bleeding, paroxysm 2 hours after birth Sexual rigidity, no screaming, shortness of breath. Physical examination: body temperature 34 ℃, pulse 156 beats / min, breathing 40 beats / min, head circumference 32 cm, Shen Qing, irritability, pale,