掰着手指头数:从西班牙海军的F100 型“巴赞”级、德国海军的F124型“萨克森”级、荷兰海军的LCF“普罗文森”级、挪威海军的“南森”级护卫舰,到英国海军的45型“大胆”级、法国和意大利海军的“地平线”级驱逐舰,欧洲国家的新一代防空驱逐舰和护卫舰如雨后春笋般竞相“冒”出来。细细分析不难发现,这些新型驱护舰之间其实有着密不可分的联系,但是又各具特色而自成一格。那么,在欧洲众多型号的新型防空驱护舰中,谁高居“榜首”,谁又能紧跟其后摘得“亚军”和“季军”?
Broke fingers: from the Spanish Navy's F100 “Bazan” class, the German Navy's F124 “Saxony” class, the Dutch Navy's LCF “Provinson” class, the Norwegian Navy “Nansen” class frigates, to the British Navy 45 “daring” class, the “class” destroyer of the French and Italian navies and the new generation of air defenses and frigates in European countries have mushroomed. Careful analysis is not difficult to find that these new destroyers are in fact inextricably linked, but they have their own unique characteristics. So, in many European models of new air defense frigate, who topped the list, who followed by won the “runner-up” and “third runner-up”?