交通工程 截至8月21日,京九北段45座新建客站全部建成。京九北段从北京到商丘包括津坝联络线共730公里,途经京、津、冀、鲁、豫五省市。在新建的45座客站中,最大的达1980多平方米,可容纳600多人同时候车。 据本月28日在昆明召开的’96澜沧江—湄公河次区域经济合作投资与贸易促进国际研讨会上获悉,一大批水陆空
Traffic engineering As of August 21, Beijing-Kowloon North 45 new passenger stations built. The northern section of Beijing-Kowloon from Beijing to Shangqiu, including Tianjin dam contact line a total of 730 kilometers, via Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces and cities. In the newly built 45 passenger stations, the largest of over 1,980 square meters, can accommodate more than 600 people while waiting. According to the “International Conference on Investment and Trade Promotion in the Lancang-Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation and Trade held in Kunming on the 28th of this month,” a large number of land, sea and air