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我区自60年办电以来,共架设高低压线路二万多公里,安装用电设备总容量约五十多万千瓦,百分之九十以上社队用上了电。但由于林彪、“四人帮”的干扰,电业法规严遭破坏,线路施工低劣,设备年久失修,管理混乱,违章作业,宣传教育工作脱节,广大社员缺乏用电常识等,致使触电伤亡事故累累,据69年到79年的统计,全区触电死亡1108人,其中71年就死亡286人。如此严重的事故各级电管部门应该 Since 60 years of running electricity in our district, a total of more than 20,000 kilometers of high and low voltage lines have been erected. The total installed capacity of electrical equipment is about 500,000 kilowatts, and more than 90% of communes and brigades use the electricity. However, as a result of the interference of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, the electrical industry laws and regulations were severely damaged, the construction of poor lines, equipment disrepair, management chaos, illegal operations, publicity and education work were disconnected, and the general public lacked electricity usage knowledge, resulting in electric shock injuries Accident, according to statistics from 69 to 79, the region 1108 people died of electrocution, in which 71 died 286 people. Such a serious accident at all levels of the power sector should be