法国电信巨头Orange和德国电信公司日前宣布将在初创企业孵化领域建立合作关系,以期通过提供更广泛的服务将影响扩大至更多地区。Orange和德国电信此前均有各自的孵化项目,即选择目标初创企业并对其进行孵化指导。据悉,双方合作后,选定的初创企业或是团队可以使用Orange Fab和德国电信hub:raum项目所提供的工具和服务,此外还能享受到两大运营商提供的指导和网络资源,一些企业还有望获得资金扶持。
French telecommunications giant Orange and Deutsche Telekom have announced a partnership in the field of start-up business incubators to extend their reach to more regions by offering a broader range of services. Orange and Deutsche Telekom have each had their own incubator project, which is to select the target start-up and incubator guidance. It is reported that the cooperation between the two sides, the selected start-ups or teams can use the Orange Fab and Deutsche Telekom: raum project tools and services provided, in addition to enjoying the guidance and network resources provided by the two major carriers, some companies Also expected to obtain financial support.