Monk and poem, tied to Wei and Jin, flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties. After the Yuan Dynasty, the dual neglect of Buddhism and poetry made people mistakenly think that the number of poems monks also tended to be negligible. In the late Qing Dynasty, Chen Tian edited The Poems of Ming Poetry without the publication of monk poems exacerbated the misunderstanding of this issue. The fact is that more monks were engaged in poetry writing in the Ming Dynasty than in the previous generation. Among them, there were 109 monks from the Tang Dynasty who received poems in the whole Tang Dynasty, and 240 monks from Song Dynasty who received Song Poetry Chronicle. It is evident from this. The author through the seizure of “Qianshitang bibliography” ~ ① (hereinafter referred to as “Qianshitang”), “Ming Shi Yi Wen Zhi” ~ ②