为评价cefpiran 在治疗泌尿生殖系感染中的有效性和安全性,我们在多中心临床应用cefpiran开放性治疗各类泌尿生殖系感染30例。用药剂量为1g,静脉点滴,疗程5~7d。结果:对急性单纯性尿路感染,使用cefpiran 后,治愈率为78.6% (11/14),有效率达100% (14/14);对慢性复杂性尿路感染,治愈率为70%(7/10),有效率为80% (8/10)。总治愈率为73.3% (22/30),总有效率为90% (27/30)。不良反应发生率为6.7% 。细菌清除率为82.1% (23/28)。本研究结果表明,cefpiran 是治疗泌尿生殖系感染的一种有效、安全的新型抗菌药物。
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of cefpiran in the treatment of genitourinary infections, we have openly treated 30 patients with various urogenital infections in multicenter clinical cefpiran. Dose of 1g, intravenous drip, treatment 5 ~ 7d. Results: For acute simple urinary tract infection, the cure rate was 78.6% (11/14) and the effective rate was 100% (14/14) after using cefpiran. For chronic complicated urinary tract infection, the cure rate was 70 % (7/10), the effective rate was 80% (8/10). The total cure rate was 73.3% (22/30), the total effective rate was 90% (27/30). The incidence of adverse reactions was 6.7%. Bacterial clearance rate was 82.1% (23/28). The results of this study show that cefpiran is an effective and safe antimicrobial agent for the treatment of genitourinary infections.