谈《英雄儿女》 英雄形象在鼓舞着我们

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我怀着激动的心情看完了《英雄儿女》,这是一部好片子。它通过我志愿军某军政治部主任王文清在朝鲜战场上和他失散十八年的女儿重逢的故事,反映了老一代对青年战士的培养教育,塑造了王成、王芳这样的英雄形象;同时歌颂了中、朝两国人民的战斗友谊。影片反映了时代精神,几个英雄人物的形象激动人心,鼓舞斗志。影片的主人公王文清是一个饱经风霜、经过战争考验的老干部,对革命事业忠心耿耿,处处表现了一个革命者的高贵品质。他在指挥战斗的时候,表现得非常沉着果断;平时对待战士则亲亲热热,关怀无微不至。 I watched “Heroes and Daughters” in a thrilled mood, which is a good movie. Through the story of Wang Wenqing, director of the military affairs department of a certain PLA volunteer army, reuniting with his 18-year-old daughter on the battlefield in North Korea, it reflects the heroic image of the older generation in fostering young warriors and shaping the heroic image of Wang Cheng and Wang Fang. At the same time, Praised the fighting friendship between the peoples of China and North Korea. The film reflects the spirit of the times, the image of several heroes inspiring, encouraging morale. Wang Wenqing, the protagonist of the film, is a veteran and war-tested veteran who is loyal to the cause of revolution and always shows the noble qualities of a revolutionary. He was very calm and decisive in directing the fighting; he usually treated the warriors with warmheartedness and care.