王荫椿 ,男 ,1937年 11月生 ,江苏常州人。汉族 ,中共党员 ,196 2年毕业于青岛医学院医疗系。现为兰州生物制品研究所研究员 ,兼任中国微生物学会微生物毒素委员会常务委员。注射用A型肉毒毒素是第一个用于临床的微生物毒素产品 ,将它用于某些疾病的治疗是观念上的重大突破。 1
Wang Yinchun, male, born in November 1937, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from medical department of Qingdao Medical College in 1962. He is now a researcher at the Institute of Biological Products in Lanzhou and a standing member of the Microbiological Toxin Commission of the Chinese Society for Microbiology. Botulinum toxin type A for injection is the first microbial toxin product to be used clinically, and its use for the treatment of certain diseases is a significant conceptual breakthrough. 1