Zeng Mengxiong The Seventh Generation King Zu Pu Nanjie Seeks to marry Benjamin Ma, the daughter of the Tibetan aristocrat Lama, as a continuation of the marriage tradition between the two places. However, due to Benjamin’s intention to marry the doctor Sambu, controversy For a time became the focus of attention of all parties. At that time, the Resident Minister in Tibet intervened in the matter to investigate the reports submitted by all the relevant parties and outlined the ins and outs of the incident. Since both sides viewed marriage from a political perspective, the Resident Minister and Head of the Government of Gaxag moved to Zuopinjiejie’s request without regard to Benjamin’s wishes. Putting this incident under the background of the marriage between the ancient king of Bangladesh and the marriage of Tibet provides readers with a special insight into the close relationship between Zhe MENG Xiong and Tibet in the Qing Dynasty.