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像法国公开赛这种超级系列赛,因为大牌大腕们的怠慢,往往是年轻人崭露头角的舞台。今年的法国公开赛,男单进入决赛的是中国的王睁茗和中华台北的周天成,而周天成竟然出人意料地夺冠。而女双表现抢眼的中国队员唐渊渟,假以时日,定有美好前途。不过,纵观这些年轻人的表现,无论心态还是技战术,均瑕疵可见。正所谓:欲为统军,先成骁将。周天成:此生一冠?法国公开赛,周天成夺得男单冠军。这个我从没看好过的小伙子,带着僵硬动作、浓厚杀意和“反正大家不看好我,我铆足 Like the French Open this super series, because big names who are neglect, are often the budding stage for young people. This year’s French Open, men’s singles finalists are China’s Wang Ming and Zhou Tiancheng of Chinese Taipei, and Zhou Tiancheng surprisingly won. The dazzling performance of the doubles Chinese players Tang Yuan 渟, with time, there is a bright future. However, looking at the performance of these young people, both mentality and tactics are flawed and visible. As the saying goes: For the Forces, first become a strong general. Zhou Tiancheng: a crown this life? French Open, Zhou Tiancheng won the men’s singles champion. This guy I’ve never looked good, with a stiff action, strong intention to kill and ”Anyway, everyone is not optimistic about me, I rivet enough
冬天,水冷草枯,林瘦山寒,白雪茫茫,大地呈现少有的静谧与空旷。强劲北风带着刺骨寒意,在原野上恣意奔突、疯狂呼啸。朝阳破云而出,顷刻间,软了寒风、熟了落叶枯 In winter,