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当您读完这篇专题文章以后,您会注意到所评间箱的价格从最便宜的2500元到最贵的4500元足有2000元的跨度。价格相差太大,因此相互之间的可比性也不高,不过我们这次集中测试的目的并不是要在它们中作比较排队,分个明确的高下(尽管我们在叙述某款音箱的表现时也免不了一些与其它款式参照比较的文字),而是因为这个价格带在国产音箱中属于中偏高价位,而在这之前我们已经对低于这个价位的众多国产音箱进行过测试,现在该是关心一下更高级的产品的时候了。这次选择的测试对象都是国内知名度较高厂家的产品,它们也在发烧友心目中有一定地位。同时由于并不进行比较,因此在这一阶位内没有区分书架箱和落地箱。 此次测试主要是评价这些音箱的具体表现,包括客观技术性能和主观听音评价。客观技术性能测试采用美国Liberty Instruments公司的Laud音响系统电脑测试套件。该套件可在普通房间中对音响系统进行多方面的测试,但实际使用中我们发现环境对测试结果仍有较大 When you finish reading this feature article, you will notice that the price of the box in question ranges from the cheapest 2,500 yuan to the most expensive 4,500 yuan with a span of 2,000 yuan. The price difference is so great that they are not very comparable to each other. However, the purpose of this concentration test is not to line them up in line with each other (although we are narrating the performance of a certain speaker But also inevitably some reference to compare with other models of text), but because of the price band in the domestic speakers are in the high price, but before we have tested below the price of many domestic speakers, and now the It’s time to look at more advanced products. The choice of test objects are the products of the higher visibility of domestic manufacturers, they also have a certain status in the eyes of enthusiasts. At the same time, there is no distinction between bookshelf boxes and floor boxes in this position because they are not compared. The test is mainly to evaluate the specific performance of these speakers, including objective technical performance and subjective listening evaluation. Objective technical performance test using the United States Liberty Instruments Laud sound system computer test suite. The kit in a common room on the sound system for a wide range of tests, but in actual use we found that the environment on the test results are still large
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