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乾嘉时期不仅是清代骈文发展的鼎盛期,也是历代骈文演变中的复兴期。不管是庙堂奏进之篇,还是指事述意之作,以及缘情托兴之文,都取得了媲美六朝的成就。其中,骈体序、书、记、表、碑和祭文等成就突出;各类骈体在写景、抒情、说理、议论甚至叙事等方面都能做到意到笔随,清晰流畅;抒情性和应用性功能比唐、宋、元、明时代大为拓展。这种复兴既是晚明至清初骈文振起的顺势延续,也与乾嘉时期显赫的文治武功,崇尚博学、流连风雅的社会风气,辞章与考据相争的学术背景等密不可分。 The Qianghuang period is not only the heyday of the development of parallel prose in the Qing Dynasty, but also the rejuvenation period in the evolution of parallel prose in the ages. Whether it is the temple into the article, or referring to the deliberate work, as well as the origin of the text of care Hing, have achieved comparable to the achievements of the Six Dynasties. Among them, the order, book, mind, table, monument and sacrificial offering are all outstanding achievements; all kinds of body can accomplish pens with clarity, smoothness, lyricality and applicability in the aspects of writing scenery, lyricism, reasoning, discussion and even narration Function than the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming era greatly expanded. This kind of rejuvenation is not only the homeopathic continuation initiated by Yuwen during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, but also closely linked with the monumental martial arts, advocating erudite and lingering social atmosphere in Qianlong and Jiaqing period, and the academic background of the clash between the text and the test.
苏格拉底(前470—前399年)是古希腊著名哲学家,一生在探究哲学和追求真知中度过。他的父亲是石匠和雕刻匠,母亲是接生婆。青少年时代,苏格拉底熟读荷马史诗及其他著名诗人的作品,靠自学成了一名很有学问的人。  30多岁时,苏格拉底成了一名不取报酬也不设馆的社会道德教师。他喜欢在市场、运动场、街头等公众场合谈论各种各样的问题,如战争、政治、友谊、艺术、伦理道德等等。在与学生谈话的过程中,苏格拉底并不直