在北京市职工联赛的赛场上,活跃着这样一支队伍,他们朝气蓬勃、激情四射、团结拼搏,挥洒着青春和汗水。他们整齐的队服上印着醒目的 logo和队名:北京地铁。这就是北京市地铁运营有限公司足球队。球队全部由北京地铁职工组成,他们当中有地铁司机、有站台服务人员、有车辆、设备、轨道检修人员和管理人员,如今这支队伍,技战术比较娴熟,已经成长为联赛中具有夺冠实力的“强队”。
In Beijing Workers League arena, active in such a team, they vibrant, passionate, united struggle, swaying youth and sweat. Their neat uniform printed with eye-catching logo and team name: Beijing subway. This is the Beijing Metro Operation Co., Ltd. football team. The team is composed of Beijing’s subway workers. Among them, there are subway drivers, platform service personnel, vehicles, equipment, track maintenance personnel and management personnel. Nowadays, this team has more skill and tactics and has become the champion of the league “Strong team ”.