Special Talents Show Demeanor;Colorful Experience Helps Growth

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  Invited by the Secours Populaire Frangais (SPF), and recommended and supported by the CPAFFC, four outstanding elementary school students were selected by the Anyang Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office and Anyang Education Bureau to represent China at the“Children of the World Are One Family”activity, a large-scale international exchange program held in France from August 9 t0 22, 2015.
  During the stay at the“World Children’s Village”in Le Pirlo, Echan- delys, Puy-de-Dome in the Auvergne region, the Chinese students had a wonderful time with counterparts from France, Morocco, Iraq and Syria. The carefree children went canoeing on the Issoire River, hiking and rope-climbing in the forest and playing in the Euro- pean Volcanic Theme Park, as well as participating in a games night and astronomy night. It enabled them to broaden their minds through intimate exchanges with counterparts from other cultures.
  At the celebration of the ChildrenVillage on August 16, the Chinese stu- dents performed kungfu, a piano solo Maiden’s Prayer and a dance blend-ing Chinese and Western styles. The performance won applause from SPF staffs, members of the Children Village and citizens of Echandelys.
  On August 19, one thousand children from 70 countries gathered under the Eiffel Tower in Paris to at-tend“Unity of Paris”themed celebra-tion to mark the 70th anniversary of the SPF. They also participated in a large treasure hunting game named“Explore Paris”and a music concert in the Champs de Mars Park. The rich and colorful activities left an indelible memory.
  The healthy, positive, lively and friendly spirit shown by the Chinese children as well as their unity and modesty received high praises from the president of the SPF. French me-dia at all levels reported the activity.Radio France International broadcast a live interview with the Chinese stu-dents. After returning to China, three ofthem wrote articles about the activi-ties.
珍惜当下把握每一天  “你所浪费的今天,是昨天死去的人奢望的明天;你所厌恶的现在,是未来的您回不去的曾经。”哈佛的这句座右铭一直激励着广州市电子信息学校2011级Web程序设计专业(现为微网站与移动开发专业)的谭培健,并成为他成长道路上的不竭动力。  在三年的校园生活中,谭培健不断向困难挑战,也收获了丰厚的回报:获校内技能节比赛四个一等奖、两个二等奖、两个三等奖,获广州市技能竞赛“图形图像”比赛一
摘要:高职是培养专业人才的摇篮,“双师型”教师是高职院校生存和发展的基础也是高职院校提高教育教学质量的关键。如何让“双师”教师在实际教学中发挥更好作用,培养好幼师学生,如何更好地服务于幼儿园教学等问题值得关注研究和探讨。  关键词:高等职业院校学前教育;“双师型”教师;美术教育  随着我国学前教育事业发展步伐的加快,培养学前教育专业师资正逐步走向科学化、专业化和标准化。高等职业教育更注重培养学生的
摘要:张书旂先生是一位擅长小写意花鸟画创作的爱国主义画家和教育家;张书旂先生高超的艺术造诣对中国画的发展有着极大的影响。张书旂的代表作之一就是本文所研究的《百鸽图》,这幅作品体现了张书旂先生高超的绘画技艺;而更难得的是,《百鸽图》还体现了一位画家对祖国的深切情感。  关键词:张书旂;百鸽图;艺术作品;时代背景  《百鸽图》,纸本设色,宽335.6厘米,高162.6厘米,现藏于美国,是第一幅进入美国
摘要:本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、统计分析等研究方法,对保定幼儿师范高等专科学校南校区在校生参加体育活动的兴趣进行了调研,对学校体育教学的现状及教学内容、方法和教学评价进行相关的研究,找出现阶段体育教学改革的对策,提出体育教学应该以“健康第一”为指导思想,以“终身体育”为主线推进学校体育教学发展。  关键词:体育兴趣;体育教学;现状;发展  体育兴趣是指学生对与体育相关的具体事物意识的选择和倾向性
摘要:《战马》是斯皮尔伯格执导的的一部战争题材的电影,影片以一匹战马的经历为主线,渲染了在不同困境之中体现出的人性的光辉和力量。影片中所传达的价值观等诸多要素具有积极的意义,本文就影片中关于尊严、勇气、仁慈、和平等几个观念结合影片细节展开叙述,旨在启发观影者的思索。  关键词:战马;尊严;勇气;善良;和平  史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格根据英国的桂冠作家麦克·莫波格的同名小说《战马》改编并执导的经典电影,该
摘要:伴随着旅游业的发展,酒店、餐饮等服务行业,也越来越受人们欢迎,这使得高职类院校中酒店管理专业人才的市场需求度也越来越高。那么如何培养出适合市场需要的酒店管理专业人才呢?本文基于酒店管理专业的核心素养要求,深入分析当下专业的教育模式现状,以期寻求改进思路,从而完善和推动酒店管理专业的人才培养体系,进一步满足市场需求。  关键词:高职;酒店管理;素质教育一、高职院校酒店管理专业的教育教学现状  
摘要:因材施教、以人为本一直是艺术教育突出的特点,所以艺术教育应当坚持人性化管理,对艺术类课程中特别的需求进行充分的考量,同时也需要保持发展的眼光,要紧跟时代发展,对现代教育技术的重要性和运用信息技术进行专业教学的必要性做到了解。学校要注重教师现代教育技术的学习,为之积极创造有利条件,对于先进的教学经验积极学习,并努力探索规律,促进学校与教师共用良好发展。  关键词:高职院校;艺术类课程;信息化教
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