
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanyuan814606754
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Introduction. Susac’s syndrome consists of the clinical triad of cerebral microangiopathy, branch retinal artery occlusions, and hearing loss. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown. The severity of retinal vasculopathy remains variable. Case report. A 57- year-old Caucasian woman presented in 1999 for the diagnostic and therapeutic management of a severe and complete form of the disease. Fluorescein angiography and cerebral MRI were contributive in this case and confirmed the diagnosis. A severe unilateral visual loss occurred one month after the initiation of systemic corticosteroids. Funduscopy disclosed a temporal retinal artery occlusion with major ischemia. Therefore, cyclophosphamide and anticoagulants were added to corticosteroids and total visual recovery was achieved within 2 weeks without any relapse after a follow-up period of 54 months. Conclusion. Therapeutic management of Susac’s syndrome is still controversial. Major immunosuppressive regimens are mandatory in the face of severe visual loss associated with central or branch retinal artery occlusions. The final prognosis of the disease seems favorable in the absence of prolonged and symptomatic retinal ischemia. Introduction. Susac’s syndrome consists of the clinical triad of cerebral microangiopathy, branch retinal artery occlusions, and hearing loss. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown. The severity of retinal vasculopathy remains variable. Case report. A 57- year-old Caucasian woman presented in 1999 for the diagnostic and therapeutic management of a severe and complete form of the disease. Fluorescein angiography and cerebral MRI were contributive in this case and confirmed the diagnosis. A severe unilateral visual loss occurred for one month after the initiation of systemic corticosteroids. Funduscopy disclosed Thus, cyclophosphamide and anticoagulants were added to corticosteroids and total visual recovery was achieved within 2 weeks without any relapse after a follow-up period of 54 months. Conclusion. Therapeutic management of Susac’s syndrome is still controversial Major immunosuppressive regimens are mandatory in the face of severe visual loss associated with central or branch retinal artery occlusions. The final prognosis of the disease seems favorable in the absence of prolonged and symptomatic retinal ischemia.
介绍了中共地下党如《领导桂系组织的学生军进行抗日活动。两文的史实鲜为人知,有一定的价值。 Introduced the CCP underground party such as "the student army leading
我们于2000年7月-2001年2月使用派瑞松霜治疗浅部真菌病52例,现将疗效总结如下。1病例选择1.1一般资料 所有病例均来自我科的门诊病人,共52例,其中男30例,女22例;年龄18~56岁
11月19日 晴  高原的沉默,也是一种幸福,让人开始思考白天和黑夜,思考这个世界。  让时间再倒退,退回高原的童年。地壳破裂,撞击,你骨骼疼痛,但在生长。高原,我理解你有一个不幸的童年,但是苦难所成就的伟大是任何安逸也无法给予的。  我生在高原,长在高原,若干年以后也将长眠于高原。  我是高原上的一株向阳花,因为缺少水分,所以努力生长。  高原寒冷,高原的冬天拥有强大的杀伤力,所有生命必将用死的
12月12日 晴  猛然回头,童年那一串串或整齐或凌乱,或清晰或模糊,或深或浅的脚印映入眼帘。我心中泛起一丝涟漪。  太阳火辣辣地烘烤着大地,花草树木都低下了头,无精打采,只有知了不停地发出令人烦躁的叫声。人们都躲在家里,外面只有两个傻女孩。没错,一个是我,另一个是我从小玩到大的朋友贝贝。  我们俩漫无目的地走着,正考虑要干点什么“大”事,突然,一阵淡淡的香味被我俩捕捉住,我们一下子来了劲,对视一