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眼外肌移位术是指将叭外肌的肌腱或肌肉部分移开其自然作用方向。眼外肌移位术同常规的眼外肌加强术或减弱术不同,其主要目的不是改变肌肉的力量,而是改变肌肉的作用方向及位置,从而达到特殊的治疗目的。目前临床上常用的眼外肌移位术有如下几种。一、治疗单眼垂直性斜视:单眼垂直性斜视多同时伴有水平性斜视,故可在矫治水平性斜视的同时,将内、外直肌等量地上移或下移,从而一举两得,顺便矫治了垂直性斜视,减少病人的手术次数及痛苦。上述术式的变法是眼外肌边缘切开术,如果将一条水平眼外肌(内直肌或外直肌)上缘和下缘分别切开半个肌腹,使其上方切口距肌肉附 Extraocular muscle displacement refers to the extra-corpus tendon or muscle part of its natural direction away from. Extraocular muscle transposition with conventional extraocular muscle augmentation surgery or weakened surgery is different from its main purpose is not to change the power of the muscles, but to change the direction and location of the muscles, so as to achieve a special therapeutic purpose. At present, the commonly used clinical extraocular muscle shift has the following types. First, the treatment of monocular vertical strabismus: monocular vertical strabismus accompanied by horizontal strabismus, it can be in the treatment of horizontal strabismus at the same time, the medial and lateral rectus equal to move or move down, and thus serve two purposes, the way to rectify Vertical strabismus, reducing the number of patient operations and pain. The above method is a modification of the surgical margins of extraocular muscle, if a horizontal outer eye muscle (medial rectus or lateral rectus) and the lower edge of the upper edge of the abdominal incision were cut, so that the top of the incision away from the muscle with
风湿病是 A组 β溶血性链球菌感染后发生的一种变态反应性疾病 ,本文对 1970~ 1999年福州地区儿童风湿病 83例进行临床分析 ,为风湿病防治提供借鉴。1 临床资料1.1 资料来源
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