4月23日至28日,墨西哥“人感染猪流感”疫情呈暴发高峰,此间,疫情向多个国家和地区蔓延。仅仅两夜一天的时间,世界卫生组织就将大流感警戒级别从3级调到5级,这意味着距流感全球大流行只有一步之遥。截至本刊发稿所知,北京时间5月4日14时,全球有20个国家和地区正式报告该流感确诊病例共985例,其中26人死亡。鉴于疫情初期所用“猪流感”(swine flu)一词会令公众误解疫情缘于接触生猪或食用猪肉,世卫组织4月30日宣布,从当日起,停用“猪流感”这一称呼,而用学名“A(H1N1)型流感”代替。中国卫生部按国内中文表达的惯例称为“甲型H1N1流感”。
From April 23 to April 28, the outbreak of the outbreak of “human infection with swine flu” in Mexico was at a peak. During this period, the epidemic spread to many countries and regions. In just two nights and one day, WHO has raised the level of pandemic alert from level 3 to level 5, which means only one step away from the global influenza pandemic. As of this press release, Beijing time at 14:00 on May 4, 20 countries and regions worldwide officially reported a total of 985 confirmed cases of flu, of which 26 were killed. In view of the fact that the term “swine flu” used in the early stages of the outbreak causes the public to misunderstand the epidemic due to contact with live pigs or consumption of pork, WHO announced on April 30 that the suspension of “swine flu” This name, but with the scientific name “A (H1N1) type influenza ” instead. Chinese Ministry of Health, according to the practice of domestic Chinese, is called “H1N1 flu.”