ECADI华东建筑设计研究院地址:上海市江西中路159号华东院绿色建筑中心邮编:200002电话:(021)6321 7420邮箱:[email protected]成立于1952年,一直秉承对“服务、创意、品质”的追求。作为一家提供建筑设计综合性服务的专业公司,ECADI服务领域涉及建筑设计、结构及机电设计、城市规划设计等。其设计项目遍及20余
ECADI East China Institute of Architectural Design Add: East China Institute of Green Building 159, Middle Road, Jiangxi, China 200002 Tel: (021) 6321 7420 E-mail: [email protected] was established in 1952 and has been adhering to the “service, creativity, Quality ”pursuit. As a specialized company providing integrated architectural design services, ECADI’s services cover architectural design, structural and mechanical design, urban planning and design. Its design projects span more than 20