在固体推进剂火箭发动机发展中,英国在使用 CDB(浇铸双基)推进剂方面的特点是:(1)提高少烟推进剂的能量水平,在标准状态下的理论比冲可达到2405Ns/kg;(2)改善少烟推进剂在低温下的应变性能,允许与壳体粘结的装药使用温度下降到55℃而没有应力松弛;(3)在制造发动机的包覆层和绝热层方面得到改进,使发动机产生的烟雾很少,以适用于目视制导武器;(4)抑制排气产生的二次燃烧,从而有效降低雷达反射或红外讯号而保持低烟特性;(5)在降低壳体重量方面,使用碳纤维增强塑料;(6)降低装药的制造成本;(7)TVC 装置领域的发展。这些进展使生产各种火箭发动机成为可能,通过采用简单的或先进的技术,来满足导弹的宽范围的要求。特别是,包括发动机、TVC、执行机构和讯号处理器等完整的 TVC 装置,尽管需要与 Sperry 陀螺仪器公司一起来提供,但是可能实现的。
In the development of solid propellant rocket engines, the UK’s use of CDB (cast bimodal) propellants is characterized by: (1) Increasing the energy level of the less smoke propellant with theoretical specific impulses up to 2405 Ns / kg under standard conditions ; (2) improving the strain behavior of the low-smoke propellant at low temperatures allowing the temperature of the charge-bonded charge to drop to 55 ° C without stress relaxation; (3) in the manufacture of engine coatings and insulation (4) to suppress the secondary combustion of exhaust gas, so as to effectively reduce the radar reflection or infrared signal while maintaining the characteristics of low smoke; (5) to reduce the smoke generated by the engine to be applied to the visual guidance of weapons; Use of carbon fiber reinforced plastics in terms of shell weight; (6) Lower manufacturing costs for charge; and (7) Development of TVC devices. These advances have made it possible to produce a wide range of rocket motors, meeting the wide range of missile requirements through the use of simple or advanced technologies. In particular, complete TVC devices, including engines, TVCs, actuators and signal processors, may need to be provided with Sperry Gyro, but are possible.