
来源 :司法业务文选 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjxiaolin
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《司法业务文选》上半年合订本现已出版,收录最新法律、法规、部门规章及规范性文件、司法解释及相关文件1 30余件,设置立法动态栏目,全新的编排形式,权威的法律文本,适用于各级政法部门、公证处、律师事务所、法律服务所、企(事)业单位和军队法律顾问处、政法院校师生和广大法 The first edition of the Selected Works of Judicial Services is now published in volume and includes over 130 pieces of the latest laws, regulations, departmental rules and regulatory documents, judicial interpretations and related documents, the establishment of legislative dynamic sections, new layouts and authoritative laws Text, applicable to all levels of political and legal departments, notary offices, law firms, legal services, enterprises (things) industry units and military legal advisers, teachers and students of political and legal institutions and law
面对令人兴奋的机会和严峻的挑战,如何实施最适合自己的有效的战略战术,在资源之“场”中提升优“势”,将是2007年媒体竞争的重头戏。 In the face of exciting opportuniti
Objective To observe the effects of methionine enkephalin (M Enk) on migration of macrophages from mice with impaired liver and its immunomodulatory mechanisms
选用Wistar大鼠对雪山蚁皇胶囊进行了致畸性研究 ,雪山蚁皇胶囊设三个剂量组 :2、4、 6g/kg体重 ,同时设蒸馏水对照组 ,采用经口给药。结果 :三个剂量组孕鼠体重增长、吸收胎
In China, our ancient human civilization has long used plants and other natural products, and their extracts for both healing and poisoning. The understanding
我院在创建爱婴医院过程中制定了各项新政策和新规定,为创建爱婴医院奠定了良好基础。现将我院创建爱婴医院的举措和体会简述如下: 1 举措 1.1 领导重视是关键,宣传教育要领
佛手以枸橼名 ,始载于《图经本草》[1] 。中国药典 1995年版收载 ,具有舒肝理气 ,和胃止痛的功能 ,可用于肝胃气滞、胸胁胀痛 ,胃脘痞滞等症。最近 ,发现一种伪品 ,冒充佛手
以氯仿—甲醇(2:1)为展开剂,以0.3%CMC—Na硅胶G为吸附剂,样品测定波长为400nm,参比波长为700nm,平均回收率为95.53%,RSD为0.42%。 Using chloroform-methanol (2:1) as develo
本刊讯 3月6日上午,陕西省高校哲学社会科学版学报研究会常务理事会议在我院新校区行政楼第一会议室召开。会议由我院副院长兼报刊编辑部总编辑于孟晨主持,陕西省科技工委党