一、严格坚持考试和培训分开的原则: 1、负责组织会计专业技术资格考试(以下简称资格考试)工作的各级财政、人事或职改部门的有关机构及有关工作人员,不得参加资格考试培训工作。 2、参加编写考试大纲、命题、监考、评卷以及试卷保管、运送、交接等工作的人员不得参加培训工作。 3、考试不要求培训,任何部门、组织不得强迫和变相强迫应考人员参加培训。二、申请举办培训班的单位应具备以下条件: 1、有与办班规模相适应的教学场所和设施,一个教学班的人数不得超过50人。 2、有与办班规模相适应的管理班子,能承担所申请招生人数的培训管理任务,保证培训计划的顺利实施。
First, strict adherence to the principle of separation of examination and training: 1, responsible for organizing the accounting professional and technical qualification examination (hereinafter referred to as qualification examination) at all levels of the financial, personnel or job-related departments and relevant departments and relevant staff shall not participate in the qualification examination training jobs. 2, Participate in the preparation of the syllabus, proposition, examinations, marking and papers custody, delivery, handover and other personnel shall not participate in training. 3, the exam does not require training, any department, organization shall not compel and disguise forced candidates to participate in training. Second, the application for training units should have the following conditions: 1, with the size of the camp and teaching facilities and facilities, a teaching class no more than 50 people. 2, There are management teams that fit with the scale of the class and can undertake the training and management tasks of the enrollment number applied to ensure the smooth implementation of the training plan.