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目的从健康生命年损失的角度研究艾滋病、乙肝、丙肝、麻疹、痢疾、肺结核、梅毒7种传染病对健康的影响。方法运用伤残调整生命年(DALY),对中国2005年艾滋病、乙肝、丙肝、麻疹、痢疾、肺结核、梅毒7种传染病所造成的健康生命年损失分年龄、分性别、分地区进行计算。结果7种乙类传染病中,DALY强度居于前3位的是肺结核、梅毒、乙肝,分别为0.8228,0.0768,0.0539人年/千人。不同疾病早逝与伤残引起的损失在DALY中所占比重不同,其中艾滋病和痢疾以早逝引起的损失为主,而肺结核与梅毒以伤残引起的损失为主;肺结核的DALY强度70~岁组最高,艾滋病DALY强度30岁~组最多;麻疹和痢疾的DALY强度集中在0岁~组;男性DALY强度大于女性;西北地区的肺结核,华东地区的梅毒,黄河中游的艾滋病DALY强度分别为1.0687人年/千人,0.2146人年/千人,0.1104人年/千人。结论7种乙类传染病中,肺结核对健康的影响最大;艾滋病和痢疾的健康生命年损失主要由死亡引起,梅毒、肺结核和乙肝主要由残疾引起;除梅毒外,男性的DALY强度均高于女性。不同传染病高发年龄段不同;西北地区肺结核的DALY强度位居全国首位。 Objective To study the health effects of 7 infectious diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, measles, dysentery, tuberculosis and syphilis from the perspective of loss of healthy life year. Methods The year of disability-adjusted life (DALY) was used to calculate the annual loss of healthy life caused by seven kinds of infectious diseases of AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, measles, dysentery, tuberculosis and syphilis in China by age, sex and geographical area. Results Of the 7 B-type infectious diseases, the top three DALYs were tuberculosis, syphilis and hepatitis B, with a median of 0.8228, 0.0768 and 0.0539 respectively. The loss of different diseases due to premature death and disability accounted for a different proportion of DALY, of which AIDS and dysentery caused by premature death is the main loss of tuberculosis and syphilis to disability-based loss; tuberculosis DALY intensity of 70 ~ DALY intensity of AIDS was the highest in the 30-year-old group; the DALY intensity of measles and dysentery was concentrated in the 0-year-old group; the male DALY intensity was greater than that of the female; the DALY intensity of AIDS in the Northwest region, syphilis in the East China and the middle reaches of the Yellow River was 1.0687 person year / person, 0.2146 person year / person, 0.1104 person person / person. CONCLUSIONS Among the seven categories of B infectious diseases, tuberculosis has the greatest impact on health. The loss of healthy life-years of AIDS and dysentery is mainly caused by death. Syphilis, tuberculosis and hepatitis B are mainly caused by disability. In addition to syphilis, the DALY intensity of males is higher than female. High incidence of different infectious diseases of different age groups; Northwest tuberculosis DALY intensity ranked first in the country.
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