满足高教跨越式发展需要,适应高校应用型人才培养 双语教学教材荣誉出版

来源 :河北科技大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:talygs
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双语教学使专业技术教学与外语有机结合 ,有利于学生综合素质的全面提高 ,顺应时代发展的方向。适合双语教学的、同时又与专业技术课程教学规范相适应的外文版教材 ,正在为教学第一线所急需。高等教育出版社新近出版的数学课程英文版系列教材适应了这一需要。其中由河北科技大 Bilingual teaching makes the combination of specialized technical teaching and foreign languages ​​conducive to the overall improvement of students’ comprehensive qualities and to the direction of the development of the times. Suitable for bilingual teaching, at the same time with the teaching of professional and technical curriculum to adapt to the foreign language teaching materials, is urgently needed for teaching first-line. Higher Education Press recently published mathematics courses in English series of textbooks to meet this need. One by Hebei Science and Technology
Our experimental results showed that the effect of the double chamber intra-aortic balloon pumping was better than that of single chamber intraaortic balloon pu
欣闻香港管弦乐团五月北上,赴北京、上海巡回演出,我又一次搭船过海,到香港文化中心音乐厅聆听他们的行前音乐会。乐团这次带去的节目是贝多芬的普罗米修斯曲,布鲁赫的G 小
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