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  Considered one of the best underwater photo-
  graphers, David Doubilet has been taking spectacular photographs for National Geographic since 1971.
  Doubilet: I never…never go in the water without a camera. I can barely take a bath without a camera. I might miss something.
  I figure I’ve been underwater now…a hundred days a year since I’ve been 12, for three hours a day. I don’t know what that adds up to but it’s a lot of time. Underwater is half shooting pictures and thinking
  about pictures, and the other half is hunting, finding
  the stuff. It’s a little bit like trailcraft[对大自然痕迹的研究], walking through the woods – what’s that, what’s that sound, what’s that thing, why are these fish doing that? And after a while you begin to learn how the sea works, and it’s a very complex, very little understood place, and you’ve gotta find things.
  Underwater photography, like anything else under water,
  requires special training and sophisticated[采用先进技术的] equipment.
  Doubilet: Photography is about seeing, and to see
  pictures you need to have equipment, and the equipment not only has got to work but it’s got to be different and new. It provides you with a new look, a new way of looking
  at something. And underwater, you can’t change film, you can’t change lenses[镜头], you have to have a pile of stuff. To shoot six rolls I have to have six cameras, and each one of them has to have a different lens, and each camera has to have two or three strobes[闪光灯] attached to[连在……上] it. So that’s like a mound[土墩], a mountain of stuff to go off and take a picture of a shrimp, or a shark, or a shrimp and a shark.
  And, of course, everything has to be lit under water. It’s a blue or green, strange world, and it needs that, that bottle of sunlight, and when you do that, it restores colors that are never seen…in the real world, and that’s what makes underwater photography a challenge.
  For even an old hand like Doubilet, some assignments[任务] bring a special thrill[由于兴奋而感到突然的颤动].
  Doubilet: A meeting in the sea is a terribly rare thing. For a human to come face to face with any creature is a wondrous[令人惊奇的] experience. And, of all the creatures in the sea, stingrays[黄貂鱼] are the most bizarre[奇异的]. To be surrounded by these creatures is not only rare, it’s absolutely extraordinary.
  Throughout his unforgettable encounters[相遇] with wildlife, David Doubilet never forgets the readers. They, too, must be enlightened and transported by his experience.
  Doubilet: I want somebody, who looks at one of my pictures, to cross that barrier of the printed page, and then go into the sea to become, basically, one with the ocean, as it were as corny[老生常谈的]
  as it sounds. But, if they can sort of let themselves go and rattle[发出格格声]
  around in the frame of the picture
  and feel the ocean, then it’s a
  successful picture.
五十年前,年纪轻轻、毫无经验的珍·古道尔离开家乡英国,进入非洲丛林与黑猩猩为邻。最初人们并不看好古道尔的研究,质疑者指出她没有接受过系统的科学训练,认为一个成长在都市的年轻女子无法应对非洲丛林的严酷环境。然而古道尔用数十年的坚持证明他们是错的。  通过对黑猩猩的长期野外研究,珍·古道尔取得了丰硕的成果,并成为著名的生物学家、动物行为学家和动物保育人士。今年,77岁的古道尔出现在一部纪录片当中,继续
米歇尔:范妮?范妮!范妮!  范妮:干嘛?  米歇尔:抱歉打断你用枕头闷死自己,不过有些事情你得管管。  范妮:老天!你差点儿害我心脏病发。  米歇尔:我好好儿地叫了你两次,你都没反应。
克莱尔在超市摔倒了,菲尔一直说是克莱尔自己不小心,克莱尔则认为无意中推倒自己却不承认的菲尔更可恶;米切尔和卡梅隆准备再领养一个孩子,但女儿莉莉对此非常反感,他们开始反省是不是自己的日常行为影响了莉莉的品性;杰伊家接到学校打来的电话,乖小孩曼尼竟然被指控偷了同学的东西。在米切尔家聚会时,几件事撞到了一起……  自开播以来年年在各大电视颁奖礼上称霸喜剧部门的《摩登家庭》是编辑部公认的最爱剧集之一。除了
Shay cannot understand or learn things asother children do. One day, he and his fatherwalked past a park where some boys wereplaying baseball. The boys welcomed Shay tojoin the game. Even though no hi
34岁的玛丽莎·梅耶尔是谷歌最有权势的女人,也是谷歌的第一位女工程师。这位毕业于斯坦福大学的高材生自认是一名极客,但你会发现她与那些埋头编程的传统极客截然不同:她长着一副俏丽迷人的面孔,是公认的硅谷第一美女;而且她穿着时尚,品位不凡。而在工作上,梅耶尔的头脑却比男人更为冷静,行事也更加硬朗,是典型的工作狂。作为少有的“美女极客”,梅耶尔的一举一动牵动着网络世界,总会受到人们的关注。    ne e
I opened my eyes last night And saw yOu in the low light Walking down by the bay, On the shore
Drew looks at me  I fake a smi Je so heworl’t see  That 1 want and I'm needing