一、引言 这篇调研报告是为我所应四机部显示会议的邀请在会上作关于电致发光器件(不包括发光二极管)国内外水平的综述报告提供的参考资料。本文的依据是截至1981年5月我室收集到的各种公开发表的文献和消息报导。反映的基本上是1980年达到的水平。
I. INTRODUCTION This research report is a reference material for the review report on the domestic and international levels of electroluminescent devices (excluding light-emitting diodes) at the invitation of the four-machine display conference that I should have. This article is based on a variety of published articles and sources collected in our room up to May 1981. Reflect basically the level achieved in 1980.