新年刚过,又到了一年一度的“HiVi冬季BEST BUY”大奖公布之时。《HiVi》不仅是日本知名的杂志媒体,同时也是引领世界AV影音潮流的著名媒体杂志,它代表了当今AV影音类杂志评论的最高水准,因此每一届的“HiVi冬季BEST BUY”都受到了业界广泛关注。此次大奖主要以2007年秋季登场的新品和目前市场上畅销的AV产品为主,并以种类和价格进行划分。评审委员由麻仓怜士、潮晴男、小原由夫等13名知名编辑组成,评选的项目包括平板电视、投影机、影碟播放机、投影幕、AV控制中心及扬声器等。
The New Year has just passed, and once again the annual “HiVi Winter BEST BUY” award was announced. HiVi is not only a well-known magazine media in Japan, but also a famous media magazine leading the trend of AV audio and video in the world. It represents the highest level of commentary in AV AV Magazine today, so each session of HiVi Winter BEST BUY Has been widespread concern in the industry. The awards mainly in the fall of 2007 debut new products and the current best-selling AV products based on the type and price to be divided. The jury members consisted of 13 well-known editors such as Arkura Watson, Ching Ching Mng and Kohara Yusuke. The selected items included flat-panel TVs, projectors, DVD players, projection screens, AV control centers and speakers.