
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhqr1981
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A temporal resection in patients with periventricular nodular heterotopia (PNH ) and intractable focal seizures yields poor results. To define the role of hete rotopic grey matter tissue in epileptogenesis and to improve outcome, we perform ed stereoencephalography (SEEG) recordings in eight patients with uni-or bilate ral PNH and intractable focal epilepsy. The SEEG studies aimed to evaluate the m ost epileptogenic areas and included the allo-and neocortex and at least one no dule of grey matter. Interictal spiking activity was found in ectopic grey matte r in three patients, in the cortex overlying the nodules in five and in the mesi al temporal structures in all. At least one heterotopion was involved at seizure onset in six patients, synchronous with the overlying neocortex or ipsilateral hippocampus. Two patients had their seizures originating in the mesial temporal structures only. Six patients had surgery and the resected areas included the se izure onset, with follow-up from 1 to 8 years. An amygdalo-hippocampectomy was performed in two (Engel class Id and III), an amygdalo-hippocampectomy plus re moval of an adjacent heterotopion in two (class Ia), and a resection of two cont iguous nodules plus a small rim of overlying occipital cortex in one patient (cl ass Id). One patient with bilateral PNH had three adjacent nodules resected and an ipsilateral amygdalo-hippocampectomy resulting in a reduction of the number of seizures by 25-50%. The best predictor of surgical outcome is the presence of a focal epileptic generator; this generator may or may not include the PNH. I nvasive recording is required in patients with PNH; it improves localization and is the key to better outcome. A temporal resection in patients with periventricular nodular heterotopia (PNH) and intractable focal seizures yields poor results. To define the role of hete rotopic gray matter tissue in epileptogenesis and to improve outcome, we perform ed stereoencephalography (SEEG) recordings in eight patients with uni -or bilate ral PNH and intractable focal epilepsy. The SEEG studies aimed to evaluate the m ost epileptogenic areas and included the allo-and neocortex and at least one no dule of gray matter. Interictal spiking activity was found in ectopic gray matte r in three patients, in the cortex overlying the nodules in five and in the mesi al temporal structures in all. At least one heterotopion was involved at seizure onset in six patients, synchronous with the overlying neocortex or ipsilateral hippocampus. Two patients had their seizures originating in the the mesial temporal structures only. Six patients had surgery and the resected areas included the seizure onset, with follow-up from 1 to 8 years. An amygdalo-hippocampectomy was performed in two (Engel class Id and III), an amygdalo-hippocampectomy plus re moval of an adjacent heterotopion in two (class Ia), and a resection of two contiguous nodules plus a small rim of overlying the occipital cortex in one patient (cl ass Id). One patient with bilateral PNH had three adjacent nodules resected and an ipsilateral amygdalo-hippocampectomy resulting in a reduction of the number of seizures by 25-50%. The best predictor of the surgical outcome it is localization of a focal epileptic generator; this generator may or may not include the PNH; this generator may or may not include the PNH;
塑膜地面覆盖作物栽培是一门新兴的科学技术,在国外已经广泛应用。 最早采用塑膜覆盖栽培作物的是日本,1948年开始研究,至今已有30多年的历史,还成立了日本地面覆盖栽培研究
哐当哐当,一列火车开过来。呜呜呜,汽笛一声低一声高。  火车冲进了风中,冲进了雨中,冲进了雾中。  火车在铁路上跑,在图画中跑,在我的心里跑。  我突发奇想:如果把铁路竖起来,那枕木一条条,一级级,不就是一架上天的梯子吗?  火车顺着天梯往上开……  太阳照在头顶,白云挂在窗前,星星伸手可以碰到。  嗬,这情景,多么有趣啊!
早上,小老鼠不小心碰了一下小青蛙。小青蛙马上生气了。  “对不起,我不是故意的。”小老鼠连忙道歉。  “这就算了吗?”小青蛙气得哇哇大叫,“我看你是故意的……”  “小老鼠真不是故意的……”小动物们说。  “用不着你们乱说!”小青蛙的眼睛瞪得圆鼓鼓的,肚子涨得又圆又大。他太生气了,肚子越变越大,越变越圆。一会儿,他变成了一个大气球。  一阵大风吹来,大气球一下子被吹上了天。小青蛙吓坏了,哇哇大哭。
我县地势较低,年降雨量600~700毫米,多集中在7~8月分。全县耕地42万亩,其中白浆土占70%,缺乏深厚的供肥耕层。白浆土层速效磷每亩只有1~9斤,土质紧密坚实 My county low-lying,