笔者根据民间验方用鲜蒲公英根治疗烫伤 1 6例 ,取得了较好的疗效。1 6例患者中男性 9例 ,女性 7例 ;平均年龄 2 7岁 ;其中浅 度烫伤 8例 ,深 度烫伤 6例 , 度烫伤 2例 ;烫伤面积最小 2 % ,最大 1 0 %。鲜蒲公英根 (不用茎、叶 )洗净 ,捣烂拧取汁 ,放入瓷器内 ,2小时后药汁自
The author according to the private prescription with fresh dandelion root treatment scald in 16 cases, and achieved good results. Of the 16 patients, 9 were males and 7 were females; the average age was 27 years; 8 cases were superficial scalds, 6 cases were deep burns, and 2 cases were scald; scald area was minimum 2% and maximum 10%. Fresh dandelion roots (without stems and leaves), washed with smashed juice, and placed in porcelain, after 2 hours