应力各向异性对复杂状态下土体的变形规律有重要影响。开挖状态下的K0固结土体具有其特有的变形和强度特性。本文提出了一个将各向异性强度准则等效到Von Mise强度准则的方法,建立了一个简单、便于工程使用且能够描述土体各向异性的理想弹塑性本构关系,并将该本构关系耦合到ANSYS软件中,模拟分析了深基坑开挖后的变形性状。并通过工程实例和经典的Drucker-Prager模型作了比较,分析结果表明各向异性对深基坑开挖变形的影响不容忽视。
Stress anisotropy has an important influence on the deformation of soil under complicated conditions. Excavated K0 consolidated soil has its own characteristics of deformation and strength. In this paper, a method of equivalent anisotropy strength criterion to Von Mise strength criterion is proposed. An ideal elastic-plastic constitutive relation is established which is easy to use and can describe the anisotropy of soil. The constitutive relation Coupled to the ANSYS software, simulation analysis of the deformation of deep foundation pit after excavation. The engineering examples are compared with the classical Drucker-Prager model. The results show that anisotropy can not be ignored in the excavation deformation of deep foundation pit.