豌豆根腐病是甘肃中部干旱地区豌豆上新发生的一种病害.近年来为害逐渐加重,致使豌豆产量遭受严重损失.1984—1985年在榆中北山地区、定西北部山区种植的豌豆分别在苗期、花期、成熟期采集根腐病病株,采用常规法分离标样178个,共分离病块3,738块。出现镰刀菌(Fusarium Spp.)病块数占50.5%,获得菌株170个.其它菌类有腐霉(Pythium SP.)、丝核菌(RhiZOctonia SP.)、壳二孢(Ascochyta SP.)、链格孢菌(Alternaria SP.)等.经接种、回接试验镰刀菌对豌豆具有较强的致病力,腐霉及其它菌类则有加强腐烂作用,初步认为豌豆根腐病病原以镰刀菌为主,其主要种有豌豆尖孢镰刀菌(Fusartum Oxysporum Schlecht.]和豌豆茄镰刀菌(Fusarium Solani(Mart.)Sacc.].
Pea root rot is a disease newly occurred on peas in arid areas of central Gansu.In recent years, the pests gradually increased, resulting in serious losses of pea production.From 1984 to 1985 in the Yuzhong Beishan area, Flowering stage and flowering stage were used to collect the root rot diseased plants. 178 samples were separated by conventional method and 3,738 were separated. Fusarium Spp. Appeared in 50.5% of the number of the disease, obtaining a strain of 170. Other fungi Pythium sp., RichZOctonia SP, Ascochyta SP, Alternaria SP. After inoculation, back-connection test Fusarium has strong virulence on pea, Pythium and other fungi have a decay effect, initially that pea root rot pathogens to sickle The dominant species are Fusartum oxysporum Schlecht and Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc.