第四十八条有下列情形之一的,为劣兽药: (一)成分含量不符合兽药国家标准或者不标明有效成分的; (二)不标明或者更改有效期或者超过有效期的; (三)不标明或者更改产品批号的; (四)其他不符合兽药国家标准,但不属于假兽药的。 第四十九条 禁止将兽用原料药拆零销
Article 48 In any of the following circumstances, a bad animal medicine shall be used: (1) The content of the ingredients does not conform to the national standards of veterinary drugs or does not indicate the effective ingredients; (2) The effective date or the expiration date is not indicated or changed; (3) No Indicate or change the product batch number; (4) other does not meet the national standards of veterinary drugs, but does not belong to the fake veterinary medicine. Article 49 It is forbidden to demobilize animal raw materials for sale