有△者为内部资料。本“辑要”不包括《世界石油经济》刊登的文章。九十年代爆发第三次石油危机的可能性在减 少 强王才((1止界经济))1 991年第9期苏联石油生产起落原因略析 李维安等《石油知识》1991年第5期△试论油田企业多种经营的组织形式及其管 理 马传军王永毅《华北石油
△ for internal information. This “editorial” does not include articles published in “World Petroleum Economy.” The possibility of the third oil crisis erupted in the 1990s is diminishing. The reason for the rise and fall of oil production in the Soviet Union is an analysis of the reasons for the ups and downs of oil production in the Soviet Union. On the organization and management of diversified businesses in oilfield enterprises Ma Chuanjun Wang Yongyi "North China Petroleum