
来源 :江苏城市规划 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingwuming2009
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随着城乡规划法律法规体系的健全,城乡规划管理制度的法制化建设,城乡规划的审议从过去完全由政府审议,转变为现在由政府领导、专家、公众代表共同审议,从而使规划的决策更加科学和民主。规划委员会制度在城市规划决策机制中起着“技术安全阀”、维护公众利益、体现“规则正义”的作用。论文从国内城乡规划委员会(以下简称“规委会”)的肇始、建设过程、本质特征等方面入手,探讨在转型时期的制度框架下,规委会制度存在的问题,并以丹阳市规委会的职责、运作、参与城乡一体化规划编制过程为例,总结规委会模式的特征及需改进的地方,以期为其他城市规委会的建设与发展提供借鉴。 With the sound legal system of urban and rural planning, urban and rural planning and management system of legal construction, urban and rural planning review from the past completely considered by the government, now the government leaders, experts and public representatives to consider together so that planning decisions more Science and democracy. The planning commission system plays a role of “technical safety valve ” in the urban planning and decision-making mechanism to safeguard the public interest and reflect “rule and justice ”. The dissertation begins with the origin, construction process, essential characteristics and other aspects of the domestic Urban and Rural Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation Committee”) to discuss the problems existing in the system of regulatory committee under the framework of the transitional period. As an example, the function, operation and participation of planning committee in urban and rural planning process are summarized, and the characteristics of the model of regulatory committee and the areas to be improved are summarized in order to provide references for the construction and development of other urban planning committees.
目的建立冠心Ⅴ号合剂的HPLC指纹图谱分析方法。方法采用Diamonsil C_(18)柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),检测波长:270 nm;以甲醇(A)-0.1%甲酸水溶液(B)为流动相,梯度洗脱;柱温:30
解析几何中确定参变量的取值范围及最值问题是历年各种测试及高考命题的热点,此类问题涉及的知识面广,综合性大,隐蔽性强,计算量大,常常令考生头疼。解决此类问题主要用到函数思想。但题设条件往往纷繁复杂,使得函数关系的建立举步维艰。笔者通过大量做题,总结出一些方法供各位同学参考。  联系平面向量基本定理,我设想如果能够在解题中抓住主要变量,这里我们且称之为基变量,就等于在解析几何这个藤条缠绕的树木中抓住了