距今六百七十余年,元代汪古部的一通石幢,最近在呼和浩特东郊五路村被发现,石幢为汪古部赵王纪念当时定林永安寺住持智浚逝世所建“灵塔”的记事幢。幢高一米、直径55厘米,呈六面柱形。正面23厘米,有楷书大字两行: 法旨僧正赐紫沙门定林 永安禅寺住持濬公灵塔 左侧前后两面、楷书字共十行: 豊州在城定林禅寺住持赐紫沙□□门广慧妙辩大师师讳智浚出本州白塔赵氏之家生而奇异幼有空寂之乐十二礼州定林住持昭公祝发受具乐学深经一日师疾而逝承主寺风率诸友弟可副先师之心重修寺宇焕目可观大德丁酉奉
A distance of more than 600 years ago, a stone building of the Wanggu Department of the Yuan Dynasty was recently discovered in the village of Wulu, Hojhot in the eastern outskirts of the city. “Ling Pagoda” memo block. One meter high, 55 centimeters in diameter, was six cylindrical. Positive 23 cm, regular script characters in two lines: The law is to give monk Zisha Zhaolin Yong-An Temple abbot Jun on the left and right sides of the tower, regular script a total of ten lines: Door Guang Miao Master Debate Zhi Chun out of the White House in Zhaozhou Zhao’s family was born and singular childish silence of the music Li Tingju Lin set out to live by Zhao Ming Temple wind rate of all friends can be the first teacher’s heart rebuilt temple Yu Huanmu considerable Dade Ding unitary Feng