如果你知道翡翠,就会知道欧阳秋眉,“玉夫人(Jade Lady)”、“翡翠夫人”、“翡翠公主”是人们送给她的尊称,是对她四十多年来对翡翠卓越研究成果的褒扬,是对她不拘泥于研究更把翡翠文化宏扬光大的敬意。无论是香港著名品牌周生生、周大福、真玉坊,还是内地知名品牌,都把拥有欧阳秋眉开具的翡翠鉴定证书当作品质的保证,作为进入市场的信心。她全情投入研究翡翠,冒着生命危险实地考察翡翠,不畏威胁鉴定翡翠,奔走四方宣扬翡翠……翡翠,一个浓得满溢的汉语词汇,把欧阳秋眉的人生演绎得生机盎然。
If you know emerald, you will know Ouyang Qiumei, “Lady Jade Lady”, “Lady Emerald”, “Princess Emerald” is the name people give her, is her forty years of emerald excellence research The compliment of the achievements is that she does not rigidly adhere to the study and pay more respect to the emerald culture. Both the famous brand in Hong Kong, Chow Sang Sang, Chow Tai Fook, really Yufang, or the mainland’s well-known brands, have owned Ouyang Qiumei jade identification certificate issued as a guarantee of quality as confidence into the market. She devoted all her life to studying emerald, risking her life to visit emerald, appraising emerald without threat, spreading jade everywhere and promoting emerald ... Emerald, a rich Chinese vocabulary, vividly expresses Ouyang Qiumei’s life.